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Monday, July 4, 2016

6 Simple Nutrition Tips For More Health

A healthy lifestyle is made up of numerous small healthy habits. These six simple habits help you live healthier lives.

Healthy life with little habits:

Small habits shape your life and your body. It's the small choices you make every day that ultimately determine how your life looks like.
A healthy body results from many small choices you make every day. Below are six food tips cost little effort and can make you simply healthier.

1.Eat less meat

Your body does not have a daily portion of meat needs to stay healthy. In fact, meat allows your body correctly to the test.
Meat is not only harder to digest than plant foods, it contains in many cases harmful hormones and chemical additives.
red meat

Use meat if the main part of your meal, but use it as a seasoning and on special occasions. When you add meat to other foods (such as meat by a wok) then you have a lot less of it. It's cheaper and healthier.

2. Choose

Base your diet on plant foods especially that in the natural source as closely as possible. So no processed ready-to-eat products, but as many natural and "living" products.
Vegetables and fruits

Our bodies may very well with vegetables. We are designed to eat plants and are able to eat meat. Not the other way around. Base your diet as much as possible with vegetable, genuine and pure food. 

3. Start the smoothie

A green smoothie is a great way to start the day with both vegetables and fruit. You can use a green smoothie directly a part of your daily amount of fruits and vegetables often with little difficulty.
green smoothie

Replace or fill your breakfast with a delicious green smoothie, and feel how much energy you get it! 

4. Use a mild multivitamin

Many people are 'against' multivitamins because they are not natural. It is of course always intended to get all the vitamins in your daily diet, but unfortunately that is more difficult than ever.
Our vegetable is grown on depleted land which is treated with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. You buy these vegetables and store it in your refrigerator, often for more than a week old. After cutting and cooking these vegetables lost even more nutrients.
We live in an unnatural world. And to maintain use in an unnatural environment you sometimes have an unnatural method the natural balance of your body.

Multivitamins are often confused with medication, mainly because they are offered in pill form. However, a multivitamin is not a medicine, it is concentrated nutrients. These are substances that your body needs to function optimally. Vitamins are therefore not harmful to your body, rather they are healthy (if you follow the recommendations on the package).
Choose a mild multivitamin and swallow it by way of insuranceWith 'mild' I mean a supplement containing an RDA of 100 to 200 percent. If you come on certain days lack specific vitamins or minerals, you get into them anyway. There you make today might be little, but in thirty years you will thank yourself.
Want to know if you have vitamin deficiencies? This test will give you the answer, and gives you tips on how to complete these deficits through your diet.

6. Choose red fruits and tomatoes

Add redder, natural products to your diet. Red fruits such as grapes, berries, blackberries and raspberries are packed with antioxidants that help your body to fight the growth of cancer cells.
Prevent the substances in these fruits to get young cancer blood supply so they can grow. As a result, the cells die off and they are discharged.

Also, tomatoes and red wine help (in moderation) to keep your body young and vital. Time to enjoy a healthy Caprese salad with a glass of merlot!


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